Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Effective Communication
Questions Discuss about the The Importance of Effective Communication. Answer: Introduction Understanding ones own personal communication skills and biases according to Segal E.A, is self-awareness. Self-awareness is essential and enables one to know oneself and be aware of ones own values, assumptions, beliefs, strengths, and weakness. A greater insight into other kind of life experience and an increased openness to other ways of thinking could be achieved with increased self-awareness. One can achieve effective communication skills and interpersonal relations along with empathy through self-awareness. Effective communication is required in all walks of life (Blizard, 2012) Developing ones communication skills requires use of efficient and effective diagnostic tools. The tools used for the assessment of personal communication methods were: Johari window, Nohari window, communication style questionnaire, Fluency severity rating scale and oral speech sample analysis technique. The interpersonal skills can be learned. A person acquires these skills through experiences, through unintentional processes and through unstructured of trial and error (Munodawafa, 2008). To clearly identify the key problem areas in my way of communication i have undertaken the above mentioned five tools and the results for the same were: Jowari Window- score clearly stated through the blind spot that I spoke a little faster and thus people found it difficult to understand what I said and thus asked me to repeat. This has made me realized that I need to slow down while I spoke to clearly send my message across. In this technique I choose 6 characteristics I am aware that I possess and asked my friends to identify the characteristics they thought were suitable for me. I was able to collect 9 feedbacks. My results of Johari window is 66% adaptable and 55% confident. I am able to adjust at any place and in any situation. According to my friends I am 44% energetic, 33% independent, 33% intelligent and 33% confident. The 6 traits selected by me were adaptable, confident, energetic, calm, extrovert and trustworthy; which match to what I have been rated by my friends clearly stating that I am an open book and thus making me send my messages across in a clear manner (, 2006) Nohari Window- this technique has helped me to understand my grid of perception by others. I had filled 5 traits that I knew were my weaknesses. My friends and colleagues were asked to complete the test. The feedbacks from my friends and colleagues including juniors have helped me identify and minimize my weaknesses. 96% people believed that I am a simple person, 87% believed I am a selfish person, 55% stated I am unhappy and 75% stated that I am panicky person (, 2006) As I was working as a sales manager I was given a sales target for me and my team of 6 people. I was to achieve the target within 3 months. I got so busy and involved that I forgot to wish my best friend his birthday and was reminded after a month by him. There are occasions that my colleagues get annoyed as I highlight many mistakes and ask my team to schedule meeting with clients and accompany them so ask to make sure that none of my team member misses their given target. I ignored the fact that this could highlight me as a non-trusting manager and an over involved one when it comes to achieving targets. While I should have allotted my colleagues their targets and asked for action plans for their achievement and show trust and faith in my team I forced them to take me along whenever they met clients. In the communication style questionnaire I received a score of 59 stating that I am being able to predict the peoples response and consider cultural barriers while making conversation. I had received a score in harmonious assertiveness, giving me a good rating for assertive attitude and confidence level (How Good Are Your Communication Skills?, 2017) The score of fluency severity rating scale has helped me understand that I stutter 3-4 words per minute due to an increased speaking rate. The score being 1, I have been classified as 5% to 11% stuttered words and with transitory dysfluencies (Resource Packet, 2009) The oral speech sample analysis highlighted that I speak a little faster and thus leading to a stuttering of a few words too. This technique I had been able to utilize through recording 5 to 10 minutes of oral speech and then analyzing it with the help of my friends. This technique of Curlee and Perkins (1994) suggests collection of 10 minutes of taping to get 5 minutes of a persons talking/oral reading time, then counting the number of syllables in the message and divide it with the total number of minutes the person spoke. In several occasions over my life I had wondered why people ask me to repeat my sentences making me frustrated that why do they not understand things the first time I say it. It was only in my business communication class last year my teacher highlighted that I spoke too fast for the rest of the class to understand. This came as a complete shock to me. That evening I called my mother back home and asked her if I spoke at a higher speed making it difficult for them to understand the first time I say it and she answered yes. I was speechless. I asked her why I was I never told to slow down and corrected, she said because they got used to it over time and thus nobody bothered to correct me, not even my dad. Thus it was in my post grad I realized I spoke faster than the normal rate. When I try to slow down to speak so that others could understand I would stutter. This too was highlighted by my business communications teacher. Thus, the two problem areas in my communication that require improvement are the speed at which I talk and the stuttering of 3-4 words after I have been asked to repeat what I said. Literature Review Effective communication according to Roberts, J. (2009) is passing right information to the right person, in the right time in a right way and with right impact, effect and outcome. Sending a right message to the other person and the person who received has received it correctly and understands it makes effective communication a two-way process. For successful management effective communication is the key (Wong, Saber, Ma, Roberts, 2009) In all walks of life exhibiting efficiency in communication proves significant (Kenneth, 2007). The ABC approach helps to review the principles of effective communication. In the ABC approach A stands for accuracy, B stands for Brevity and C stands for clarity. Accuracy in the message sent is essential because different receiver of the message can interpret it differently. Brevity means being concise. It is essential because if the message is not concise it could get lost in clutter of unnecessary words. Thus sticking to the point is the best way to send a concise message. Clarity of a message can be ensured through the use of right language. Before a message is prepared the audience should be considered carefully. According to Locker and Kaczmarek (2007) if a message does not seem important, relevant and interesting to the audience, the audience would not pay attention to it (Locker Kaczmarek, 2007) Disorders in speech and an inability to express oneself clearly act as a barrier for the overall development in a persons life. Feelings of tension and negative attitude are exhibit in a persons behavior due to the awareness of the disfluency; while fear, embarrassment, shame and frustration engulf the speaker according to Guitar (2006) (Guitar B. , 2006) According to Guitar the beginning of stuttering results in the emergence of prolongation. Guitar also stated that the repetitions are fast and abrupt in the beginning stages. In the intermediate stage the above stated symptoms along with avoidance and periods of block are evident. The speaker also produces inappropriate ending of sound and air. This is due to the immobility of the tongue and lips while speaking. In the last stage the speaker along with the first and the intermediate stage symptoms experience tremors. The speaker requires adult centered treatment program (Guitar B. , 2006) According to Guitar, stuttering may go unnot iced until it reaches advanced stage and tremors occur. Stuttering in young children according to Guitar can hamper a childs overall development. He further asserts that brain is like a computer and too much information can hang it up. Guitar also states that a stutterer becomes conscious while speaking and display emotions of pride, shame, guilt and fear, along with embarrassment. According to Miller and Guitar (2009), therapies based on behavioral, classroom, and instructional management strategies stated below have proven to show positive results. The Lidcombe Therapy- Focuses on behavioral management of people who stutter. Self-Modeling Strategy- within the classroom instructional setting self-modeling strategy can be utilized. Stress Reduction- another instructional and behavioral intervention. Assistive Technology- this technology is beneficial in instructional and behavioral management level. From the above mentioned therapies and techniques self-modeling technique is very helpful for individuals like me who are well aware of the barriers in communication and intent to improve the same (Miller Guitar, 2009). According to Cream, et al, in self-modeling technique various range of speech pattern are used to improve stuttered speech. An extremely unhurried exaggerated form of speech model is developed for the stutter through speech restructuring beginning with an establishment stage or an instatement in self-modeling technique. With the utilization of techniques and methods mentioned in self-modeling one can achieve positive results and improve stuttering problem (Cream, et al., 2010) Yaruss, (2006) stated that if stressors can be identified that triggers stuttering and steps are taken to minimize them the stuttering can be controlled and reduced and also eliminated. He further asserts that an environment in which the stutter is present has an incredible impact also the temperament of the speaker also plays an important role. It is also evident through previous research in the field that collaboration of the various strategies and techniques help to achieve positive results and the collaboration should be in accordance with the speaker in focus. Utilization of the above mentioned strategies in isolation proves null. Yaruss further stated that there are four techniques to speech modeling strategy that can be utilized to eliminate stuttering under communication modification that are: The speaker is able to use and also display simpler and relaxed manner of speaking, To reduce pressures a child may have when communicating by increasing the time gap between speakers turns, Rapid fire questioning has been proven to reduce burden to speak and increase time pressures, and Rephrasing, reflecting and expanding speakers utterances, this will provide positive communication mode (Yaruss, Coleman, Hammer, 2006) According to Curlee and Perkins (1994) the speed at which a person speaks affects the way the receiver perceives not only the message but the sender itself. Speaking fast may present a person as a knowledgeable or a fluent in language but it makes it difficult for the receivers to understand the message clearly and thus reducing the impact of the message itself. As stated by Perkin a persons speed of speaking can be calculated by examining the number of words they speak per minute or the syllable they speak per minute. This helps to understand the abnormalities in a persons way of communication (Curlee Perkins, 1994) Further, it is also important according to Perkins that the speech naturalness is also analyzed. For the same according to Ingham, et al (2009) a 9-point naturalness scale is to be used to determine if the speech has a natural sound quality. The listeners in this test should be SLTs or nave listeners like lay persons or graduates. The subjective judgments should be made at a 15 minute intervals from highly natural or highly unnatural, despite the fluency percentage. The total judgments should be at least 10 in number (Ingham, Bothe, Jang, Yates, Cotton, Seybold, 2009)(Edge, 2010) The Fluency Severity Rating Scale is only to b used when the entire assessment of the speakers fluency performance has been made. Thus, it is only logical to assess the fluency at last. Action Plan for the next 6 months: After completion of the assignment it is clear that the two problem areas identified that is the speed talking and stuttering when asked to repeat, needs improvement and thus I have established a six month plan to improve my communication skills. A collaborative method would be required because as stated earlier positive results could only be achieved if the above mentioned strategies are collaborated. Thus, self-modeling along with stress reducer and fluency severity rating techniques will be collaborated together for positive effective and efficient results, under the supervision of a mentor. The aim would be to eliminate the stressors and then work through stuttering towards reduction of word count; this is because speaking fast comes naturally to me and this is due to my fast reading capacity. So, though I would intent and practice to speak slowly and clearly there might occur instances where in flow of the moment I might speak fast and if asked to flow down or repeat it should not act as a stressor and I should not stutter. Goals Timeline Actions Deadline Achievement/Status Improvement in communication skills- speaking, reading, listening, i.e. verbal and non-verbal. 5th Feb 2017 to 17th July 2017 Find a mentor, 5th Feb to 15th Feb Take reading and speaking sessions - - Establish a working reading and speaking session on a daily basis with VSM for analysis and improvement 15thFeb-5th July Application of self-modeling technique to eliminate stuttering - - Self-modeling 10 minute recording sessions with mentor 16th Feb-16th April Application of Curlee Perkins techniques to bring word count to 250 words per minuite - - Sessions with mentor to check SPM and Naturalness 17th May-17th July Take a 3 month short course of communication at CQU. - 3 month short course in communication for overall communication skill development The next course session available in 2017-2018 The tests and techniques discussed above have helped me to develop a workable action plan with future analysis and improvement in my communication skills. The techniques can be utilized by anyone willing to improve their communication skills self-modeling might be cumbersome because it requires extra video equipment, which might not be possible for everyone to arrange. Many schools and personnel willing to utilize this strategy would find it difficult to record every student and there also if the parents do not permit tapping of the child this strategy can prove to be a challenge (Ward, 2008). On the other hand stress reducer strategy is most effective for budget conscience schools and personnel. References How Good Are Your Communication Skills? (2017, January 31). Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Mindtools: Blizard, J. L. (2012). The importance of effective communication. Aorn Journal, 319-320. Cream, A., O'Brian, S., Jones, M., Block, S., Harrison, E., Lincoln, M., et al. (2010). Randomized Controlled Trial of Video Self-Modeling Following Speech Restructuring Treatment for Stuttering. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Curlee, F., Perkins, H. (1994). Nature and Treatment of Stuttering: New Directions. San Diego: College-Hill Press. Edge, R. L. (2010). MEASURING SPEECH NATURALNESS OF CHILDREN WHO DO AND DO NOT STUTTER: THE EFFECT OF TRAINING AND SPEAKER GROUP ON SPEECH NATURALNESS RATINGS AND AGREEMENT SCORES WHEN MEASURED BY INEXPERIENCED. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from GETD: Guitar, B. (2006). Stuttering: An integrated approach to its nature and treatment. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Williams. Guitar, B. (2006). Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Ingham, R. J., Bothe, A. K., Jang, E., Yates, L., Cotton, J., Seybold, I. (2009). Measurement of Speech Effort During Fluency-Inducing Conditions in Adults who Do and Do Not Stutter. Journal of Speech Hearing Research, 1286-1301. Kenneth, C. H. (2007). Developing Effective Communication Skills. Journal of Oncology Practice, 314-. (2006, February 11). Johari Window. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Kevan: (2006, February 12). The Nohari Window. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Kevan: Locker, K. O., Kaczmarek, S. K. (2007). Business Communication: Building Critical Skills with Bcomm Grademax`. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Miller, B., Guitar, B. (2009). Long-term outcome of the Lidcombe Program for early stuttering intervention. National Center for Biotechnology Information Journals, 42-49. Munodawafa, D. (2008). Communication: concepts, practice and challenges. Health Education Research Journal, 369-370. Resource Packet. (2009). Assesment of Speech: Fluency. Tennessee : Department of Education. Ward, D. (2008). Stuttering and Cluttering: Frameworks for Understanding and Treatment. Psychology Press. Wong, R. Y., Saber, S. S., Ma, I., Roberts, M. J. (2009). Using television shows to teach communication skills in internal medicine residency. BMC Medical Education Journal . Yaruss, J., Coleman, C., Hammer, D. (2006). Treating preschool children who stutter: description and preliminary evaluation of a family-focused treatment approach. Journal of Language Hearing Research, 118-136.
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